Forum Grateful

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    • #1499 Reply | Quote

        This has been a great week thanks to the services and counseling I received.  I could never afford this without all of you and after a few sessions with my new counselor who I have shared more than I ever had I feel much better.  I’ve never had counseling and I was nervous at first but the comfort I found in a short period made me relax for the first time in a long time.  I have 8 more sessions from you but after that my counselor said there is a way I can get more with some assistance.  Thank you so much for getting me started and helping me realize I like many others just need a little push.  God Bless you ❤️

      • #1503 Reply | Quote

          Good morning.  Im so happy you had a great experience and that you are feeling a little more relaxed. It can be a little scary at first but as you now know the compassion and understanding from therapists can be the greatest gift to dealing with what ever you are going through.  I’m glad we could get you started and help in a small way.  Now the work begins and if you ever need and advice in the further do not hesitate to reach out:)

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