Forum I see you ♥️

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    • #8080 Reply | Quote

        I See You ❤️

        * I see you running your child to AA and NA meetings when your friends are running their kids to jobs or college placement testing.
        * I see you slipping out of the conversation when your friends are all chiming in about milestones and college acceptance letters.
        * I see you constantly juggling out-patient meetings and court dates.
        * I see you sitting at your computer for hours desperately researching addiction and treatment options.
        * I see you cringe when people whine about what feels like petty things.
        * I see you debating whether you should pull out of your retirement *again* to pay for another round of treatment.
        * I see you spread thin but still going the extra mile for your other family members because the guilt eats at you that they get so little of your attention.
        * I see you yet again not taking a much needed vacation for fear of what might happen while you’re gone.
        * I see you digging for depths of strength you never dreamed you had.
        * I see you showing appreciation to the judges, therapists and medical professionals who serve your child with compassion and understanding.
        * I see you rising early in the morning to do it all again after another chaotic night.
        * I see you when you’re hanging on to the end of your rope for dear life.
        I know you feel invisible, like nobody notices any of it. But I want you to know I notice you.
        * I see you relentlessly pushing onward. I see you keep choosing to do everything in your power to give your child the best possible care

      • #8081 Reply | Quote

          I just read this post and I posted a while back about losing my daughter and I really needed to read this.  Every day is a struggle and I’m mostly numb all the time.  I’m not sure how to act around my friends and family.  It’s been two years and I know I should feel a little better but I don’t feel anything.  God bless the poster of this and I pray we all can find some peace ❤️

          Thank you for seeing me 🥲

        • #8082 Reply | Quote

            This is a post everyone who has lost a child or a loved one and grieving.  We need to be seen and understood and I know I don’t speak of my loss to many as I don’t want to feel like I want sympathy.  I just want to feel better and talking about it helps me.

            When people feel like they are alone and afraid to express how they feel because of judgment it sometimes makes people uncomfortable.

            I know this post and how it expresses the message all of us who have lost are seen and understood.  Thank you 😊

          • #8083 Reply | Quote

              This is such a beautiful post and I just shared with my wife.   We lost our son to overdose a year ago and we have struggled together but we stay together as we feel we are all we have.  Just knowing someone shares this gives us hope and just wanted to say thank you ❤️

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