› Forum › Time to speak out
- This topic has 6 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 months, 3 weeks ago by
I have now told my friends about this site and we are gonna share our concerns here. How school is awful and how some kids are treated. How some parents let their mean children do whatever ever they want and defend their horrible behavior towards others.
Many of us are sick of nothing being done to protect all of us.
We know how the principals and vice principals cave to the loud parents and won’t confront them. We and I mean many of us are sick of it. Get ready because we will tell the truth and expose this and make change happen! -
Had enough
As now we have a private platform to discuss the schools inability to provide safety to us we will share our experiences of how we are bullied and harassed in person and online every single day. I’ve spoken to the principal and the guidance counselor and nothing has changed. The mean girls and some guys find a way to embarrass me make fun of me and shame me for how I look. I go to school sick to my stomach every single day and I’m not sure I can continue. I cry on the way to school as I know what’s coming. My mom is ready to lose it but I don’t want that attention. Just one more thing they will bully me about. Maybe you who runs this site can help us?
My friends
We are becoming united as friends as we have all been bullied and have had enough of it. Soon all of us are going to demand the schools start doing something to stop what is happening every day to so many. I had messages from many now that have had all they can take. The parents of the bullies do nothing and the schools do nothing to make the parents accountable for their kids. When does something happen to make everyone accountable for their actions. I went to the office today again and waited an hour to see the guidance counselor as she does not want to see me anymore. Next we will go to the police if something doesn’t change.
KeymasterJust so you know I am so sorry it has come to this and you have my guarantee that I will speak to both boards about these concerns and will ask to speak to the students about this forum and create awareness again to the issue of bullying in the schools.
You can reach out to me anytime and my name is Clint Harris and my cell number is(807) 632-3229
i will do whatever I can to help all of you !
No matter what you do nothing is going to stop bullying in schools and cyber bullying!
What makes you all think the schools are going to stop the bullying. It has never stopped and never will. No one cares or they would charge the parents for allowing their horrible kids from doing it !
Well I was bullied every day and it’s still happening in grade 12 and now I don’t care as much Seems to me they have the problems and soon I’ll be done high school and it can’t come soon enough. I’ve complained to everyone and it never stopped so what does that say about our teachers and administrators.