Forum Tired of everything

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    • #4446 Reply | Quote

        Every seems the same with struggling to be happy.  I work and can’t keep up. I can barely afford to eat and pay bills and no one I know feels any different.  Work for nothing and no hopes to enjoy anything.

        How can I do this for another year or years knowing things are getting worse all the time.

        All the promises from elections in the news talking about the future and how things will get better but it never happens.  They all fly around vacations, trips that I could never afford while they starve us makes me sick.


        I am just sick of all of them, liars and thieves that take our money and give nothing back.


        I hate them and the life they have made us live in.

        im glad I don’t have kids because I would not want them to live like I do struggling to survive every day .

      • #4516 Reply | Quote

          Good morning.  Some days we have to struggle with how we feel about the world around us.  It’s important not to let what we can’t control consume us and find little things that bring us joy.  Finding ways to survive on less can be difficult and knowing you can make small adjustments that make living more palatable can be an adventure and not a struggle.  I’ve been in a situation where I had nothing and somehow I found ways to push on and make mental changes that helped me through the most difficult times.  I can offer support when you reach out when desperation sets in and you can reach out anytime.

          My name is Clint and my number is(807) 632-3229 and if you need me please message and I’ll do what I can to help you .

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